In the early years of our brand, lnterbank was represented by the "i" symbol—a straightforward means of identifying participating members of the Interbank Card Association. Here's how it came about:
Seventeen bankers meet in Buffalo, New York to form a federation for the reciprocal acceptance of their credit cards. Once the federation becomes formally chartered, The Interbank Card Association (ICA) creates the "i" symbol as its mark.

The Master Charge name and graphics are adopted to provide stronger brand identification. The new brand mark features the Master Charge name centered between two interlocking circles of red and ocher. The "i" symbol is retained in a smaller size at the bottom right corner for purposes of continuity.

Master Charge becomes MasterCard. The "i" symbol is retired.

A bolder, more contemporary brand mark and identity system are introduced. The mark maintains the two interlocking circles with 23 horizontal bars, and uses an italic, sans-serif typeface.

As part of a global effort to strengthen the MasterCard brand, a new, enhanced Brand Mark is unveiled.
The Brand Mark's visibility, recognition, and overall brand image are improved, with new features including larger lettering highlighted with a drop shadow, fewer interlocking bars within the red and yellow circles, and a new dark blue background for use on decals and signage.

The visual identity of MasterCard Worldwide is represented by our Corporate Signature.
The Corporate Signature has a different purpose than our Brand Marks and Acceptance Marks. The Corporate Signature is used on all communications from MasterCard Worldwide to its customers, employees, the press, government agencies, and all business-to-business audiences. It should not be used for consumer or merchant communications unless the corporation is communicating directly to these audiences, and the use has been approved by MasterCard Worldwide.

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