History of the logo:

Although the idea for a student foundation is not unique to Miami University, MUSF is different from other student alumni associations/foundations throughout the country. This uniqueness results from the philosophy and goals of the organization which cater to the atmosphere of Miami. However, the essential framework of MUSF and many of its ideas were borrowed from Indiana and Ball State Universities. The generous support of these institutions provided invaluable assistance in this venture. MUSF has taken many shapes since it was founded in 1972. The student foundation is currently comprised of three committees: Student Trust and Alumni Relations Committee (Parent's Weekend Auction & Eye on Alumni), Triathlon Committee (2nd Annual Triathlon), and Traditions Committee (Homecoming House Decorating Contest, Student Slant, Chicago Bus Trips, Senior Week, and MUSF 35th Anniversary). MUSF also coordinates Presidential Hosting during Miami football games.
MUSF Mission
Ever-Growing Student Scholarships
The primary task of MUSF is to develop these student scholarships in order to retain and promote the best students on campus.
Dedication to Miami University Excellence
MUSF programming and efforts must exemplify the dedication that most students have to make Miami the best it can be and show those who lack the dedication how they can build their own dedication.
Commitment to an Enhanced Student Experience
MUSF exists to provide a students with fundamental feelings of excitement and passion for Miami.
Professional Leadership
Involvement in MUSF allows members to grow in their leadership style and become more professional leaders.
MUSF Vision
The Miami University Student foundation will be the standard for campus organizations. Through implementation of the MUSF Philosophy, MUSF will have successfully implemented policies and programs to achieve these objectives:
MUSF will unify the Miami student population.
MUSF will foster a positive and professional image of Miami.
MUSF will empower student leaders who will be sought after by the Miami communities.
MUSF will generate active and apparent Love and Honor for Miami.
MUSF will fulfill unmet campus opportunities.
MUSF will adapt through entrepreneurial innovation.
MUSF will build a foundation of future alumni leadership.
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