by Katharine Mysak
This is the story of how The Official Jackie Chan Fan Club for Kids logo was created:
When I began the Kids Club, I had lots of ideas about what I wanted the club to be. I also knew that it was important to have a logo which would represent those ideas. So I decided to ask some of my friends who were Jackie fans if they would help me design a logo. I told them some of my ideas - that I wanted a child or children in the logo, that I wanted a globe to signify the international aspect of the club, and that I would like to somehow incorporate something Chinese as well. Soon I got designs from many people...and they were all wonderful! I gathered the best of them together and sent them to Willie Chan to see which one he liked. Here's what I sent him:

Soon I heard back from the office in Hong Kong. They said that they'd sent the sheet of designs to Jackie in Dublin, Ireland! Within days, I heard back from Willie's assistant - Jackie had chosen his favorite, but there were some changes that he wanted made. He wanted us to use the J.C. Group's new "Dragon Logo" in our design and he wanted us to change the font. So I contacted Tamara Guion, the California artist whose design Jackie had chosen, and told her what Jackie wanted. I sent her the J.C. Group's new logo to include in the new samples. Here's what THAT looks like:

So Tamara got to work and came up with some new designs based on what Jackie had requested. Soon she sent me some choices which I then sent to Willie's assistant.
Here's what I sent:

Jackie chose number 2 and with some minor adjustments (can you spot the difference?) that's the logo that is used in the newsletters and on all letters and announcents! Whew! And you thought it was easy to design a logo!
Thanks to everyone who sent in their designs and of course, thanks to Tamara and Jackie for designing the awesome Kids Club logo!
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